"Whimsey is truly one big family for me and I am so happy to have you as a part of it.”
For as long as I can remember I have wanted to take pictures. I can remember all the way back to when I was about six and got my very first camera. My mother was cool enough to let me take it to school and show off my gift. I was ecstatic! I spent all day posing my friends every free minute I had and used every last shot. I was impressed, my mother was not… I was in so much trouble for “wasting “film. Little did she know that was only the beginning. Around 13, I graduated to bigger and better things. I borrowed my uncles manual Minolta SLR. I wasted more time and more film and my uncle never did get his camera back!
I have worked as a professional photographer since 1997. I have been a professional mom since 2002. I can honestly say at this point in my life, I have been a photographer longer than I have not. I love my Job, everything about it! I love that it allows me to spend time with my wonderful daughters and my amazing husband, I love the fabulous people that I come into contact with and all the friendships I have made because of it. Mostly, I love capturing life's milestones for people to look back on. Whimsey is truly one big family for me and I' am so happy to have you as a part of it.
XO - Nichole |